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Which electrical equipment is responsible for driving the blend door damper actuator? 2020-08-31


Which electrical equipment is responsible for driving the damper actuator? Just as there are many ways to control air flow, car manufacturers also have many choices in the electrical equipment that drives the dampers. It includes a brushed DC motor with a potentiometer for sensing the position of the air door; a three-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor that uses back electromotive force (back EMF) to measure the position or a stepper motor that measures the position by counting the number of steps. These DC motors drive the dampers through gears of different sizes.

More choices

After selecting the motor, the HVAC system engineer can also choose the architecture that drives the motor. As mentioned earlier, the damper actuator can be controlled locally or remotely. In local control, the electronic equipment that controls the motor is located near the motor, that is, the motor control IC is integrated in the same housing where the motor is located (see the damper actuator control in Figure 2). Communication protocols such as Local Interconnect Network (LIN) control the motor to drive the damper to a specific position. In remote control, the electronic equipment that controls the motor is located in the HVAC control unit far from the damper actuator (see Figure 3). The communication between the motor driver and the microcontroller on the HVAC control unit can be achieved through a serial peripheral interface (SPI) or even through a parallel digital control interface.