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New Elevator Air Purifier

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Air Disinfection Purifier developed for elevators cabins and can effectively disinfect air and walls inside, as well as maintain hygiene and environmental protection.

Elevator Air Purifier is a must. With an estimated 1.1 million elevators in service in the United States right now, there is about 1 elevator for every 300 people in the country. The average elevator trip usually consisted of an average of 5 people in the elevator cab according NEII. That’s why NEWBASE Elevator Air Purifier was developed. It’s a modern elevator solution requested by facility managers, tenants, patrons, real estate groups, and more. Turn a legacy elevator cab into a fresher, safer space.

NEWBASE Elevator Air Purification neutralizes viruses, mold and bacteria. Additionally, it reduces smoke, dust, pollen and and other particulate. It’s perfect for condos and apartment buildings, mixed use building, shopping malls, and more. It’s just the thing we needed! Proven air purification technology that is cost-effective to solve the current elevator air purification system concerns that exist today. 
Air pollution in elevators

New elevator air purifier displayAir circulation purification of a new type of elevator air purifierThe structure of the new elevator air purifierMultilayer filter screen of new type elevator air purifier
Multi-layer filtration of new elevator air purifier


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